To know the LOVE OF CHRIST
AXIS Kids is the ministry for our younger members of the Kingdom! Children are actively a part of the body of Christ; just as Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to the little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do" (Matthew 11:25-26). The mission for our AXIS kids is that they would come out of these years KNOWING THAT THEY ARE LOVED by the King. That is the truth that God wants us to grasp before all else: that He loves us so much, He took on flesh and paid the price to reunite with His created (John 3:16). AXIS Church wants to provide a SAFE and NURTURING environment for our children. We believe that in order to teach the love of God, we must first protect our young ones from any potential harm or damage (both physically and emotionally). Any worker/volunteer at AXIS Kids is background checked and vetted to ensure the safety of our AXIS littles. We offer nursery (age 0-2), Tiny Tots (age 2-5), and kids (age 5-12).
Keep scrolling to find times and locations for AXIS Kids check-ins!
Keep scrolling to find times and locations for AXIS Kids check-ins!
You will find an overhang sign marked "Childrens" out on the front sidewalk of the building. This is where you can enter in for check-in.
Bible Study check-in opens at 9:20 AM
Service check-in opens at 10:30 AM
To protect the safety of our littles, we lock the entrance into the Childrens room 10 minutes after service starts and will be opened once the service ends. As a parent/caregiver, you will debriefed on how to access the room should you need to during service.
Bible Study check-in opens at 9:20 AM
Service check-in opens at 10:30 AM
To protect the safety of our littles, we lock the entrance into the Childrens room 10 minutes after service starts and will be opened once the service ends. As a parent/caregiver, you will debriefed on how to access the room should you need to during service.
Save yourself time by filling out your child/children's registration online! Then we will be ready to receive your littles!